Thursday, March 31, 2011

Ahh ... early spring in San Francisco

Just back from another real estate excursion in the City by the Bay -- the other Bay (for those of you living nearby to the Chesapeake Bay). Apparently we arrived just after days of torrential downpours that sent hills in nearby communities sliding downward. For us, only blue skies and spring breezes with near record warmth. California was all abloom in cherry blossoms and Calla Lilies. It was glorious to behold and I'm ready for Easter.

I spent a good amount of outdoor time exploring Chinatown. It was still fresh and colorful from the recent Chinese New Year festivities. Apparently it's the Year of the Rabbit. I suppose that makes sense as I know it'll be a hoping year for us.

Tops on the 'extra' list of sights to see this time 'round was the San Francisco Design Center. A more befitting title would really be the design district which stretches throughout a several block area.

The main center consists of three main buildings, each several stories tall. Many additional retail stores are scattered in and around the area, including the granddaddy of all - Restoration Hardware. Apparently it opened only several months ago. It was so fabulous that I could end my real estate hunt right now and take up residence there.

My indoor exploration was done at the San Francisco Antique and Design Center. Not surprisingly I found a treasure - a new piece of Fostoria American to add to my ever-growing collection. Judging on its hefty weight I suspect I found a rare crystal piece. Lots of great stuff and if you ever need a faucet ...

I had a little more time than anticipated than one day and took off to nearby Burlingame, an upscale community outside of the city. The main street has a slew of restaurants and trendy boutiques and shops, many of which seem to cater to the younger set. And I mean younger. There are more baby and toddler fashion and toy stores than I could count. But in their midst was at least one definite keeper - Willa Home. Lots of eye candy! Check out her blog.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spring has definitely sprung

Don't you just love this fresh new look from Calico Corners? Pictures like this are just so enticing -- I'm bursting with new ideas. Can hardly contain myself. 

So excited to be one step closer to living in San Francisco. And I can't wait until I can begin anew in decorating our home -- once we get one that is. 

Stick with me as I make the adjustments to being a empty-nester and living in a new city with a new job. It's sure to be a great ride!