Tuesday, December 13, 2011

... let's call it Day 1

We packed the car to the hilt. Okay the husband packed the car to the hilt. I packed most of the rest of the house. Okay my best buds showed up and packed the entire kitchen. And in under two hours flat. But I did pack most of the house myself. It took most of each and every day between signing the contract and when the movers showed up (two hours later than expected) to move it out on the day of settlement. Whew that was a day.
But it’s behind us now and onward west ho. Hubby dropped me, the two cats and their happy pills off at Dulles International Airport bright and early the day after settlement. And less than six hours later, the three of us become officially unofficial California residents.
Sadly I didn’t think to get a photo because a picture in this instance would be worth a thousand words. Me, a piece of rolling luggage, my purse, an oversized pet kennel, two small under seat pet travel cases and a very valuable collapsable trolley to load most of it on. 
Now close your eyes and picture me getting on the BART (San Francisco subway system) with everything to get downtown where I reload into a cab for the last part of the journey to our new lodgings now known as Home Sweet Home until the real deal comes along. Yep it was all that and more.
I am dependent on public transportation completely until the husband can complete the cross country drive with the car and all the must haves that couldn’t go into storage. 

Surprisingly the bus is a snap to get around on. It takes a bit longer but it gives me time to enjoy the sights and get my bearings. Plus the temporary home is walking distance to about everything you need to get along in the life. I just need to remember not the get more than I can carry at any given time.
The great adventure has begun and we couldn’t be more delighted.

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