Thursday, December 22, 2011

... week one under my belt

It’s been a week in San Francisco. The cats have somewhat made the adjustment. Hubby made it across country and even managed to swing through Colorado Springs to see our son. As for me, I’ve managed to get around San Francisco quite easily via bus. Now I’m ready to stretch a bit further to areas I don’t know how else to get to.
Getting back and forth to the area where I set up mail service and meet our realtor takes a bit longer by public transportation but couldn’t be easier or safer. I find asking a middle schooler directions works best but that only works after school lets out.
I’ve now seen all the houses available in our price range in the area we’re interested in. Not much on the market just before Christmas so now we just wait it out for more sale signs. It’s good to be non-contingent with full financing ready and waiting. Perhaps we can give some lucky homeowner a great Christmas or Hannukkah. 
With a bit of free time, I spent the day looking for the downtown Flower Market and shopping for the sofa we will eventually be needing for the new house. We lightened our moving load by getting rid of our sofas and beds before the move. I found both and can only say, “Wow!”

Which one is Rudolph?

orchids galore

Christmas apparently is a year-round event at this place

Name your color

Ribbon, ribbon, ribbon, ribbon

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